
Hotel Pension Schwaighofen
Sonnleitenstraße 3
A-5301 Eugendorf/Salzburg

Tel +43 6221 7713
Fax +43 6221 7713-77

Service 2020-03-24T07:14:25+00:00

Contact partners

Service & more

For questions & support we are available at any time, information is also available at the listed locations here …

Automobil Associations

ÖAMTC Hotline 120
ARBÖ Hotline 123

Make driving safer



Events & Dates at the Salzburgring

Bus service

EvoBus Austria – +43 662 44 75 or Hotline 0800 4020 4020
Volvo – +43 662 64 05 520 or Volvo Action Service 0800 29 89 64
Scania – +43 662 852 373-0 or Scania Assistance +43 1 256 44 11
Bova – +43 662 43 40 57 or Int. Truck Service +31 4029 4808-0
Renault Servicevertretung by EvoBus Austria


Shops are generally open Mon – Fri from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., usually until 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Normally only souvenir shops etc. are open on Sundays and public holidays. Salzburg city centre has a big variety of shops to choose from, Europark shopping centre: direct access from the motorway – A1 exit Klessheim

Bike rental

Top Bike at the Staatsbrücke and Central Railway Station, Tel +43 6272 4656 oder +43 676 476 7259

VELOactive, Tel +43 662 435595

Zweirad Service Buchner GmbH, Tel. +43 662 83 14 95

Fiaker (hore drawn carriages)

Standort am Residenzplatz, direkt am Dom


Salzburg Airport W. A. Mozart

Tour Guides

Salzburg Guide Service, Tel +43 662 84 04 06, A one hour city tour starts daily at 12:15p.m. at the information point at Mozartplatz.

Ticket Offices

Ticket Office Arena, Tel +43 662 62 32 33
Ticket Office Holzer, Tel +43 662 89 69

Car Rentals

We recommend the following for especially inexpensive vehicles and special arrangements:
Autoverleih Buchbinder, Tel +43 662 88 20 6611 oder 0810/007010
Autoverleih Budget, Tel +43 662 85 50 38


The short term parking zones are marked blue on the ground (lines). Parking is subject to payment Mon – Fri from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., maximum parking time is 3 hours. On Saturdays there is no charge for parking but from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. the maximum parking time is 3 hours. There is no charge for parking or need for a parking meter on Sundays and public holidays or on Saturdays after 4 p.m.

P+R Park and Ride car parks are located in “P+R Salzburg Slpenstrasse and “P+R Messezentrum”

The city offers a large number of parking garages; we recommend the parking garage in Linzer Gasser due to its accessibility.

Salzburg Card, Salzburger Land Card, Golf Alpin Card

Salzburg Card – njoy Salzburg for 24, 48, 72hours with all the sights and many more advantages:
SalzburgerLand Card – 6 or 12 days, 190 sights throughout the whole Salzburgerland:
Golf Alpin Card – 5 or 3 green fees on 33 courses in the Salzburgerland, Vorarlberg and Tyrol:

You can also purchase all cards at the hotel if requested in advance!

Sight-Seeing Tours

Numerous sight-seeing tours, trips to the Salzkammergut, to Bavaria and to the Salzburgerland are available:
Bobs`s Special Tours, Tel +43 662 84 95 11
Salzburg Panorama Tours, Tel +43 662 88 32 11
Salzburg Sightseeing Tours, Tel +43 662 88 16 16


Drive into Salzburg city centre in a 9 seat bus from the hotel. It can also be booked for groups and excursions:

Taxi Herzog, Tel +43 6225 84 84 oder +43 699 100 88 717
Taxi Martin, Tel +43 664 39 24 714
Funktaxi, Tel 8111 oder +43 662 87 44 00

Numerous Taxi Stands: E.g. at Markartplatz, Hanuschplatz, Residenzplatz, etc.